Invest in the Best - Hiring Freelancers to Scale Your Business

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    Business owners are busy people who have a lot on their plate.

    To get everything done, they resort to contracting out their business functions to third-party providers. 


    Some of the functions they outsource include content writing, customer service, design, and research, among many others.


    Outsourcing helps save on salaries and buying office equipment as you would normally do with in-house employees. 


    Contractors charge a fraction of the cost you would need to pay if you recruited someone internally.

    Bear Wade

    Award-Winning Director & Marketing Studio Owner


    In This FREE Course, You'll Learn:

    Knowing What and Where to Hire Out

    Where to Post for Job Openings

    How to Write a Clear Job Description

    How to Find Quality Contractors You Trust

    How to Manage Contractors

    Register for this FREE 5-Day Course

      Finding people that are talented that you can trust is hard to come by these days.

      Hiring contractors part-time helps companies outsource some of the vital organization’s work that is not within their power zone. You cannot be good at everything your company needs but you can get someone to do what you are not skilled in. For example, not everyone can create engaging content yet they need such for their websites.


      We can help you learn how to contract some of your most important work to freelancers through our well-crafted course. Here is what you will learn through our course:


      Where to Post for Job Openings


      You will learn about the right platforms where you can find the ideal freelancers. You can search for the job you are hiring for and see where other jobs for the same role are posted. Some of the best platforms to find the ideal freelancer include Fiverr, Upwork, and Indeed. These platforms are filled with qualified freelancers willing to take on your projects. We will also teach you many other platforms that you can use to post your job and get the right candidate.

      We’ll highlight sources like:




      Belay Solutions


      …And many more!


      Knowing What and When to Hire Out


      Any successful business person hires out as they are not robots that can work non-stop without getting tired. Also, they don’t possess all the required expertise to run their businesses. By subcontracting, the position can either pay for themselves or free up their schedules so that they can concentrate on more important tasks. Our course will teach you when and what to hire out for so that you can concentrate on building your empire.


      How to Write a Clear Job Description


      Hiring out is one thing and writing the right job description is another. Firstly, you will be hiring out for services that you either don’t have experience or know-how in. So, knowing how to craft a good job description could prove difficult. We’ll show you how to tackle this situation with confidence.

      Register for this FREE 5-Day Course

        The Process Finding Quality Contractors


        • Going through each resume and application to determine which candidate is hungry enough to work with your company and make a positive impact on your business


        • Asking for relevant samples from these contractors or testimonials from satisfied clients whom they worked with in the past to help you gauge their capabilities


        • Communication between you and the contractors is vital, and you should be a great communicator as you can train them on anything else.


        • When you are looking through resumes and you think they are a “maybe”, you should pass and look for a definite YES. 


        • Picking the top five candidates and carrying out a video interview to build a rapport if you are looking for a long-term collaboration. Although not all selected contractors will respond to your interview invitation, ensure that you interview at least two freelancers before settling on the best one.

        How to Manage Contractors

        Once you have found the right contractor, you need to learn how to manage them. This involves:


        • Giving them clear expectations and letting them take the lead if they are experienced 


        • Asking questions on how they intend to achieve your company’s goals.


        • Getting the outline of their process for you so that you can have a better understanding of what to expect. 


        • Checking in on your contractors and holding them accountable for their results. 


        • Offering them positive feedback. Giving them positive feedback will motivate them to even deliver better results. 


        • Celebrating your wins and retaining any contractor that brings value to your business



        Grow Your Business

        By investing in the best contractors, they help you grow your business. They do this by handling everything needed for the business that you don’t have the technical know-how.


        Check out our course today, and learn how to hire contractors the right way!

        Bear Wade

        Register for this FREE 5-Day Course

          As Seen On

          Who is Bear Wade?

          More than a decade ago, Brandon “Bear” Wade turned his self-financed film into an award-winning documentary for public television by emulating other industry leaders with his branding.


          For years, he was approached by business owners to produce corporate videos and ads and quickly realized that putting the website at the end of the video did a company no good if their website didn’t perform and turn those viewers into paying customers.


          So, now working on their website, he realized that for the most part their brand messaging was non-existent with no value proposition, to convince the viewer as to why they are the solution for them. Or their logo just didn’t feel professional enough.

          By coming into his client’s situation, and having to start at square one, he realized that there is an order to building a successful brand, and the Unify Brand Steps were a product of that constant problem he saw time and time again.


          He took what he learned and started developing national-caliber branding for clients around the country using the Unify Brand Steps. He runs Unify Creative Agency, a marketing studio based in St. Louis, Missouri.


          Bear Wade is America’s Marketing MacGyver. (without the mullet)

          Register for this FREE 5-Day Course

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