Brand Scripts And Why You Need Them – Unify My Marketing S1E5

Brand Scripts And Why You Need Them - Unify My Marketing S1E5

If there’s one thing you want to deliver in your marketing aside from the product or service, it’s the message. You should have clear, concise, and direct brand scripts that will guarantee you hot leads. In this video, I will be showing you my tips on creating the perfect brand scripts with the clarity of your message in mind and why it’s essential.


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In this episode, we’re going to talk all about brand scripts 


And why you need them. 


This is a unified my marketing show, where we believe every business deserves to look more professional, have a clear message and strives to become an industry leader. I am your host bear, Wade, and I want to hear from you, where are you struggling in your marketing? I am obsessed with helping businesses grow so you can leave your Just click on the unify marketing show. And you can submit a question there. So what is a brand script you might ask? And it, it really just kind of comes down to some people call it an elevator pitch, but it really is just a quick, uh, concise, rich dense, a sentence or two that talks about what your company is or your service and why we should trust you, or, you know, look to you for your solution. So people don’t buy what they don’t understand. And so if you don’t clarify your message or make it clear, uh, people won’t understand it, therefore they’ll tune out and not buy from you. 


So I found this most important when I was grading a documentary about a road trip that happened in 1920, I was making a film for PBS or trying to make a film for PBS. And, you know, I’d hang out with friends and they knew I was making a film about something and I was traveling around for the film and everyone would ask. So what’s the film about, and I, I really didn’t have a very clear answer for that. I, you know, I would, I’d kind of looked down and I I’d stumble around and, and how many ha and I’d say, you know, it’s, uh, it’s uh, about national parks and, um, I know 1920. And so it was, I would just kind of stumbled around and people, even though I was terrible at explaining what it was about, uh, people were still engaged, but just, you know, I, I just didn’t feel confident enough in it. 


And one day my wife, Jennifer said, you know, we need to like, figure out how to say this clear. And so what we did was we wrote out key elements that we knew we wanted to say. So we knew we wanted to say 1920 because it was a historical documentary. So that helps set the tone, uh, for the, for the time, uh, we talked about the Western United States. We knew we wanted to say 5,000 miles in 76 days. That’s how long these, uh, 12, uh, people, you know, how long it took them to drive this 5,000 miles back then before there were roads. And we knew, we wanted to say before roads, or, you know, air conditioning or, you know, maps or GPS. And so what we ended up doing was we, we tried to, you know, we wrote it out, wrote the paragraph out, and then we started swapping in key elements that we wanted to make sure we had in there. 


And then we also tried to, you know, make sure that it was fairly logical. And so now after 10 years, I can still recite paving the way the national park to park highway is, uh, a road trip documentary, uh, that happened in 1920, uh, to all 12 of the national parks at the time these 12 Intrepid motorists drove their model T looking cars around the West before there were paved roads before there were gas stations before there were, um, before there was air conditioning. And could you imagine not, you know, could you imagine taking a trip like that? And, you know, we got people engaged and people were really excited about it, and it really helped set the tone. It helped me kind of sell and communicate what the film was about. And so I encourage you to write a brand script. And so we’re going to talk, uh, uh, break that down a little bit more, but that’s why you should have a brand script for your company. 


Let’s get into our six part framework, uh, which is just, you know, ways to tease out and craft your brand script. So the first thing is who do you serve? You know, um, defining who you serve and, and being pretty specific is very helpful. So if I, you know, my answer to that is I serve, uh, small business owners looking to grow their company. And so, you know, it, it, it can be as specific or as general as you want, but usually the more you can niche down or define who that person is, I think the better, you know, that’s, uh, easier for you to help define and make decisions. Um, once you have that person in mind or that, you know, we call it an avatar, but you know, like the, the ideal client. So number one is who do you serve up next? 


The next question is, what problem do you solve? So, you know, if you’re in a residential cleaning business, you obviously clean houses. So you want to just make sure you say that in your brand script. So we offer home cleaning services and it, the clearer the better. So it seems pretty obvious to you, but if you’re trying to say, uh, what you do, um, you say we clean homes, we help families enjoy their time together rather than doing chores around the house. You know, you can say stuff like that. So jot down, uh, what problems do you solve up next is what is your solution to the problem? So you might use, uh, let’s see, uh, chemical free or environmentally safe, um, cleaning products. And so one way, one solution that you have is we use environmentally clean, uh, cleaning products to, um, clean your house, you know, from top to bottom or whatever that is. 


You know, you might have a system in place for how you clean your house or how you clean houses, and you can state what those, uh, what that process is. And, you know, the clear, the concise, the speedier, the better, but to show that you have a solution and why your solution is different than others is really helpful at this point. So what is your solution to their problem up next is why should they use your solution? So what is your value proposition? What helps you stand out from others? You might say, you know, in this, using this example of a cleaning, a residential cleaning service, you might say something like, uh, we, uh, you know, most companies would just come in they’ll they have their checklist of things that they do. And, you know, our team is trained to not only go through that checklist, which is, you know, comprehensive, but also look around and provide other solutions that are above and beyond, you know, just the checklist. 


So, um, that might be an example. You might also say, you know, back to that cleaning pro you know, the, uh, environmentally safe, uh, cleaning materials, you might say, you know, most companies will come in and they’ll, you know, bleach the heck out of your, you know, they’ll sanitize everything, uh, and it’ll smell like chemicals and whatever, you know, I’m over doing it here, but you understand what I’m saying? That you can set yourself apart by showing how the regular company does it and how your processes up next is what would happen if they didn’t use your solution. So you might say you, you know, you would continue to have a dirty house. You know, if you, yeah, you might be overwhelmed with the clutter. You might be spending all of your time, uh, doing chores and not spending quality time with your family. You know, as an example, some people think doing chores is quality time, but for this example, you know, you might consider that as a one thing that you might, uh, highlight as a problem if they don’t use your service. 


So what are other problems that, or what are problems in your company that if they don’t use your solution, they might still have, and lastly, what can a customer do or a potential customer do to move forward with working with you? So you want to list off the steps to, or that call to action that helps them understand the people that are listening, how easy it is to become a customer with you. So, for us, we would say, go to our website book, a discovery call, or you could say, just call our, you know, insert phone number here, or go to our, you know, uh, you might have a, um, just fill out this form, you know, whatever that call to action is you want to spell it out for them. So it’s really simple. And if you have a three-step process to get, you know, involved, uh, or engaged in your company, spell it out, be very specific to what that, what that process is. 


So go to our website, fill out the discovery call and, you know, book, you know, and show up for your, um, show for the call. And we’ll get you on board. You know, it’s kind of the, if you can have those, you know, three steps, it’s very helpful and very easy for people to understand. A lot of our brand script is, is really about, um, simplifying and making things very clear. So knowing that those steps, um, you can craft a brand script yourself, but if you are to the point where you were just overwhelmed by this idea and, and really want it to work well, we offer a brand script at our website where you can, uh, purchase this workbook and fill it out yourself. We have different frameworks besides the one I just today, 


And it’ll help guide you through and get you thinking about how other people see you and understand your company. So check it out of bear I wanted to show you, uh, and be a little vulnerable with you about my current camera set up. So right now you see that I have my, a YouTube award here, and I have, um, this TV in the background showing, um, the unify, my marketing logo, but I wanted to show you what you can’t see. And so I’m going to show you with my camera here. First. I have the camera, so here’s the camera. I have a monitor, so I can see what the camera sees to make sure I’m cropping correctly and all that. So, hi. Um, I also have a computer here, which is plugged into, uh, the TV back there. Let’s see the TV, and it’s just sitting on a, on a table next to a door, which you can’t see in the, in the crop. 


And then, uh, it gets even better back here. So I have, I have this piece of plywood in the back to kind of separate my little studio, uh, away from the rest of my young children. So they don’t mess with all the video gear, I, this huge soft box and I have a microphone. So this microphone is right out of the camera frame, which you can’t see, but you can hear me clearly. And then over here, it gets even funnier, uh, you know, box Kleenex, a random table, um, a fan, uh, some craft projects, all sorts of other, other things there, which is pretty funny, you know, the hair light. So that light that, uh, is reflecting off of my, you can see the side of my face there just to bring me out a little bit so perspective. What you can’t see is all the junk that I have around me. 


You know, even my desk, good grief, look at that. I get random gear and something to drink and my notes and all that. So if you’re creating videos, it’s nice to show, you know, the whole truth, you know, um, Amy Dunn, somebody that I work with, uh, she has been really fun to work with. And, um, she said something today about, um, social media is like curating vulnerability. And I thought, man, that’s, that’s brilliant. I love that. And I, um, just wanted to share with you, uh, that, you know, it’s not always perfect and it’s okay to be messy, still go out there and kill it. So I want to tell you a story about, uh, a client that I’ve had, uh, you know, I have a video background and so I was hired to shoot a video for a new client. And, uh, she was a really, really cool, uh, to sh to film. 


Uh, and her business was really neat, but I made her this video, you know, to put on social media and she really wanted to, uh, you know, start spreading the word about our company. And, uh, she’s just a one person shop. I made the video for her and it turned out really nice. And so I, I, you know, got her the link so she could download it. And she was able to put it on her, uh, you know, downloaded to her phone, but you couldn’t get anywhere past that. I think she was able to upload it to social media, but she didn’t know how to run it as an ad, which is a, made a main objective to making the video. My business failed her. I created something for her and yes, I did what she asked me to do well, but I didn’t provide a whole solution to her problem, which was getting the video out there, actually that wasn’t her problem or problem is getting more clients. 


And so I made her a video, but she didn’t get clients from it. And as somebody who used to work in trades, so I’d make a website for somebody, or I’d create a logo or I’d make a video or do a photo shoot. I realized that all these things are connected and you have to remember what the point of doing those things are. So if you’re making a website, it’s not just to make the company look good and validate them, but it’s also to bring in customers and get people to sign up or whatever that main call to action is. And also when you know, I’m making a video, yes, we want it to be seen on social media organically, but there’s something like, you know, three or 4% of the people that subscribe or follow your channel, uh, on social media only see it. 


And so, you know, there’s lots of people that aren’t seeing it. So that’s where the paid advertising comes into play. If you don’t know how to do it, and I wasn’t able to provide it, my business model failed her. And that still is, is, um, it’s tough for me. So, you know, what is it in your business that you could be providing that would help your customers be more successful? The whole point of having customers is to help them be more successful. And in turn, they use your services more or they buy your products more. And so what is the next thing you could do? What is a pain point that your customers have and what solution could you bring to the table? If you have any questions, you can always submit your questions to bear There we have a place for the unified, my marketing show. You can fill out, submit a question I’d love to hear from you. If you’re struggling with something we’d love to highlight you on the show and give you, offer some free advice. And remember, don’t just check all the boxes in your marketing. 

Unify It.