Businesses are losing tons of money on their marketing. Bear Wade’s Unify Brand Steps offers guidance.

Businesses are losing tons of money on their marketing. Bear Wade’s Unify Brand Steps offers guidance.

According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, About nearly 20% of U.S. small businesses fail within the first year. By the end of their fifth year, Roughly 50% have faltered by the end of their fifth, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 

Why do so many companies fail? Most commonly they languish due to The most common reasons for failing are poor management and/or poorly planned marketing initiatives.


Bear Wade helps companies solve for the second issue. An award-winning filmmaker, Bear Wade has produced been making corporate films for twenty years. Realizing almost two decades and found that many times producing a video wasn’t the right move to take because their website wasn’t converting viewers into customers, and having the domain name at the end of the video wouldn’t provide any sales.

Bear founded is the owner of Unify Creative Agency when he saw how many companies were rushing through their marketing plans and wasting money on quick fixes. He has expertly guided hundreds of companies through his patented 5 Unify Brand Steps to help them develop has been a freelance Creative Director and Cheif Marketing Officer for almost two decades and wants to extend his expertise and share with you the 5 Unify Brand Steps to a winning marketing plan and a road map to the growth of your company. Now he wants to help you, too. 


He also noticed that many of the biggest brands in the world create their own identity, and they always stay true to it. They have had a unified look and feel wherever you see them.  across all of their platforms. For instance, we all know that McDonald’s, whether we like it or not, has red and yellow are instantly recognizable the world over and the arches are iconic.   brand colors, McDonald’s uses them for everything they do:  and no matter if it is their paint colors, window clings, menus, paper bags, T.V. commercials, social media posts, etc., they use the same brand elements over and over to keep it cohesive and unified.

That’s where small business owners falter. There are many small companies that fail to build a recognizable, professional brand looks unprofessional because they rush past these vital steps. They don’t apply these standards.

Through much trial and error, he learned that almost every company Bear worked with faltered in similar ways. had foundational issues that followed a pattern. It didn’t matter the size of the company or the product or service they offered didn’t seem to change the pattern. Their obstacles always problem could easily fit into one of five 1 of 5 categories. , and these categories became the 5 Unify Brand Steps and can assist a company at any stage of development.

The first Brand Step is defining the company brand messaging. These steps will help you find and connect with your ideal clients. Once a company has developed its brand, the 2nd step focuses on building that brand. This step includes how to show you how to price your service/product and how you will convert strangers to customers. The 3rd step is to define a plan to ensure your company’s growth. It focuses on building your customer list and how to generate new customers. The 4th Brand step keeps the momentum with ongoing content. Bear Wade will discuss content, where and when to say it, and how often people want to hear it. And the 5th and final step will teach you how to scale your processes and team for growth.

Bear Wade is using his years of experience to guide companies that need a clearer plan to increase profits and create marketing initiatives for ongoing growth. More information can be found at


Marketing your own business can be a slog, stressful, and full of anxiety. Without an experienced guide and a map with checkpoints, how are you to climb the mountain of growing your business? The Unify Brand Steps provides a clear and pragmatic way to build your business through better marketing. You’ll conquer a business that is entertaining, inspiring, productive, automagically profitable, managed well, with clear communication to convert viewers into paying customers.