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Finding Your Niche and Defining Your Ideal Customer

Finding Your Niche and Defining Your Ideal Customer

People don’t buy what they don’t understand.

The first step in unifying your marketing is to define who you are and get all of your marketing assets together. We’ll define your value proposition, core insight, tagline, and call-to-action. From there, we work together to define your logo signature, brand colors, fonts, and additional design elements. All of these pieces make up your brand style guide and they’ll be integral as we move into crafting brand photos, brand videos, and testimonials. 

Let’s dive right in! You’re in business which means you know how to solve problems. Crafting your brand script starts with defining the problem your business solves.

A brand script is a few paragraphs that walk your potential customer through why you are the solution for them.

If you can empathize with your viewers’ problems you’ll get their attention. Show your target audience that you have walked in their shoes.

When you share your story of how you’ve experienced what they’re going through, they are more likely to believe that you can help them.

You craft your brand script to draw people into your story and get them to like and even love, your brand over time.

To do that, you have to identify exactly who it is you’re speaking to. It can’t be some nebulous customer out there in the void.

Successful brand scripts speak to their ideal customers, that person out there who is living, breathing and needing their product or service.

Niche down to move up

The first thing you need to do is niche down within your industry. You can’t be all things to all people.

For example, let’s say you want to start a fitness business. Great! That’s always in demand. However, competition is fierce. There are countless personal trainers available online. Does this mean you can’t succeed if you set out along this path? Of course not.

Rather, it means you need to get specific early and have a plan of action in terms of content creation.

With the above example, if you are setting out for a career in fitness, start niching down by asking yourself some of the following questions:

  • Do I primarily want to help men, women, elders, or children?
  • What type of fitness will I teach: strength training, cardio, swimming, or a specialty like dance or boxing?
  • What nutrition style will I use to guide my clients – clean eating, 80/20, flexible macros?
  • What makes ME unique in my field?

Once you have niched down, you then need to focus on creating and reaching your ideal client. For your ideal client, ask yourself questions such as:

  • How old is my ideal client?
  • What are their interests?
  • What would they be looking up online in terms of fitness (weight loss, cardio, etc.)?
  • How can I be of value to them in their journey?
  • What speaks to them?

All of this needs to be done before you even begin on your content creation journey.

Download a copy of our free team marketing worksheets here. Want to learn even more? Check out our book and video course, Unify Your Marketing.