Transforming CPA Firms with Strategic Consulting: Bear Wade and CPAs for Hire – Case Study

Bear Wade is transforming CPA Firms in the St. Louis Area.

Client Overview:

CPAs for Hire, located in Chesterfield, MO, and led by Dennis Fry, is a professional accounting firm dedicated to providing comprehensive financial services to businesses of all sizes. Despite having a solid foundation and a loyal client base, Dennis recognized that to achieve the ambitious goal of global expansion, the firm needed a strategic boost in marketing, growth planning, and operational efficiency.


CPAs for Hire’s primary challenge was expanding their reach and improving client acquisition while maintaining high standards of service. Dennis Fry needed a reliable consultant to help develop a robust marketing strategy, a clear growth plan, and a streamlined fulfillment process to handle an increased workload without compromising quality.


Dennis Fry engaged Bear Wade Consulting to address these challenges. Bear Wade provided a multi-faceted approach, focusing on three main areas:

  1. Marketing Strategy:
    • Brand Revitalization: Bear Wade worked with CPAs for Hire to refresh their brand image, making it more appealing and professional to potential clients. This included redesigning the logo, updating the website, and creating cohesive branding materials.
    • Digital Marketing: Implementing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy was crucial. Bear Wade introduced SEO practices, targeted social media campaigns, and content marketing to enhance online presence and attract new clients.
    • Client Testimonials and Case Studies: Leveraging satisfied clients’ testimonials and success stories helped build trust and showcase the firm’s expertise.
  2. Growth Plan:
  3. Fulfillment Process:
    • Operational Efficiency: Streamlining the fulfillment process was critical for handling increased client demands. Bear Wade introduced project management tools and automated administrative tasks to improve efficiency.
    • Team Training: They provided training sessions to ensure the team was equipped with the latest skills and knowledge to maintain high service standards.
    • Client Communication: Enhancing communication protocols ensured clients received timely updates and felt valued throughout their engagement.
  4. Market Analysis: Bear Wade conducted thorough market research to identify growth opportunities, potential client segments, and competitive positioning.
  5. Strategic Partnerships: They facilitated partnerships with complementary businesses and industries, broadening the firm’s referral network and client base.
  6. Scalable Business Model: Creating a scalable business model was essential. Bear Wade helped design systems and processes that allowed CPAs for Hire to scale their operations smoothly as they grew.

Results in transforming CPA Firms:

The collaboration with Bear Wade Consulting and produced by Unify Creative Agency led to significant improvements and growth for CPAs for Hire:

  • Increased Client Acquisition: The revamped marketing strategy resulted in a 40% increase in new client inquiries within the first six months.
  • Revenue Growth: The firm saw a 25% annual revenue growth attributed to new client acquisition and higher retention rates.
  • Operational Efficiency: The streamlined fulfillment process reduced project turnaround time by 30%, allowing the firm to handle more clients without stressing the team.
  • Market Expansion: CPAs for Hire successfully expanded their services to new geographic regions, laying the groundwork for their goal of global expansion.

Bear Wade is transforming CPA Firms

Dennis Fry, reflecting on the transformative impact of Bear Wade Consulting, shared, “Bear Wade is continuing to help us grow our firm month after month. Their guidance has been invaluable in keeping us sane while we work towards global domination.”


Bear Wade Consulting’s strategic guidance and expertise were instrumental in driving the growth and success of CPAs for Hire. By focusing on marketing, growth planning, and operational efficiency, Dennis Fry and his team are now well-positioned to achieve their ambitious goals and continue their journey toward global domination.

Get started with a free consultation today!