Why Websites Are King in A Social Media World
57% of internet users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile.
Websites are still very valuable even with the prevalence and influence of social media platforms. Why? Because YOU own them. You get to house and control all of your content the way you want, and 100% of your viewers have access to it.
Your social media posts only reach 4% of your followers’ feed during their scroll. 4%!!! If your posts gain traction with followers and friends interacting with your content, then the algorithms trigger more placements to more followers.
But social media algorithms change rapidly, and it is difficult to maintain complete control over your content. This is why having a good website is vital.
Websites can come in various shapes and sizes and have become rich with content. Some sites are one page long scrolling sites to mimic social media feeds, others are hubs that direct you to main pillars of content, some have subpages and even non-accessible pages.
The best website is the one that wows your visitors with who you are and converts them into paying customers and can be found easily. Your website needs to be specific to your business and to the way YOUR ideal customer likes to receive their information.
Your website should tell your customers:
- The challenge you solve for.
- What services or products they can buy from you (and the result of making that commitment).
- How they purchase it (pricing structure?)
- The type of customer support they can expect (how it feels to do business with you).
If you’re struggling to be able to capture and communicate all these pieces, you haven’t figured out your business model yet. You need to go back to Step 1. Your website is a big mirror to reflect back to you what your business is about and where there may be holes in your identity.
You only have about 10-20 seconds to convince your visitors to stay on your site. Make sure your website is engaging enough to keep them on the page and increase your return on investment for building your website in the first place.
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